![dna WilliamT[1].(Will)DunbarSr.1919 2 D-39](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/40f05b_ae6baf093188452da08fe105e1163281~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_495,h_748,al_c,q_85,enc_avif,quality_auto/40f05b_ae6baf093188452da08fe105e1163281~mv2.jpg)

![dna WilliamT[1].(Will)DunbarSr.1919 2 D-39](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/40f05b_ae6baf093188452da08fe105e1163281~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_495,h_748,al_c,q_85,enc_avif,quality_auto/40f05b_ae6baf093188452da08fe105e1163281~mv2.jpg)

Dunbar Surname DNA Project
EST. 2006

Kenneth I
First King of Scots
Reign 843 - 858
Cináed mac Ailpin (Modern Gaelic: Coinneach mac Ailpein), commonly anglicised as Kenneth MacAlpin and known in most modern regnal lists as Kenneth I (810 – 13 February 858), was a King of the Picts who, according to national myth, was the first King of Scots. He was thus later known by the posthumous nickname of An Ferbasach, "The Conqueror". The dynasty that ruled Scotland for much of the medieval period claimed descent from him, and the current British monarch, Queen Elizabeth II is descended from him through Malcolm III, Robert the Bruce and James VI and I.

Donald I
Kenneth I's brother
Reign 858 - 862
Domnall mac Ailpín (Modern Gaelic: Dòmhnall mac Ailpein,[1] anglicised sometimes as Donald MacAlpin, known in most modern regnal lists as Donald I); (812 – 13 April 862) was King of the Picts from 858 to 862. He followed his brother Kenneth I to the Pictish throne.

Constantine I
Kenneth I's son
Reign 862 – 877
Causantín or Constantín mac Cináeda (in Modern Gaelic: Còiseam mac Choinnich; died 877) was a King of the Picts. He is often known as Constantine I in reference to his place in modern lists of Kings of Scots, but contemporary sources described Causantín only as a Pictish King. A son of Cináed mac Ailpín ("Kenneth MacAlpin"), he succeeded his uncle Domnall mac Ailpín as Pictish King following the latter's death on 13 April 862.
ENGLAND MONARCH: Alfred the Great 871–899 Recognized as leader of all free Englishmen under the Treaty of Wedmore, 878

Kenneth I's son
Reign 877 – 878
Áed mac Cináeda (died 878) was a son of Cináed mac Ailpín. He became King of the Picts in 877, when he succeeded his brother Constantín mac Cináeda. He was nicknamed Áed of the White Flowers, the wing-footed (Latin: alipes) or the white-foot (Latin: albipes).
ENGLAND MONARCH: Alfred the Great 871–899 Recognized as leader of all free Englishmen under the Treaty of Wedmore, 878

Giric -and- Eochaid
Reign 878 – 889
GIRIC mac Dúngail (Modern Gaelic: Griogair mac Dhunghail, known in English simply as Giric, and nicknamed Mac Rath, ("Son of Fortune");(fl. c. 878–889) was a King of the Picts or the King of Alba. Modern historians disagree as to whether Giric was sole King or ruled jointly with Eochaid.
EOCHAID (fl. 878-889) was a ninth-century Briton who may have ruled as King of Strathclyde and/or King of the Picts. He was the son of Aed.
Alfred the Great 871–899 Recognized as leader of all free Englishmen under the Treaty of Wedmore, 878

Donald II
Constantine I's son
Reign 889–900
Domnall mac Causantín (Modern Gaelic: Dòmhnall mac Chòiseim), anglicised as Donald II (died 900) was King of the Picts or King of Scotland (Alba) in the late 9th century. He was the son of Constantine I (Causantín mac Cináeda). Donald is given the epithet Dásachtach, "the Madman", by The Prophecy of Berchán.
ENGLAND MONARCH: Edward the Elder 899–924 Alfred's son

Constantine II
Aed's son
Reign 900 – 943
Constantine, son of Áed (Medieval Gaelic: Constantín mac Áeda; Modern Gaelic: Còiseam mac Aoidh, known in most modern regnal lists as Constantine II; died 952) was an early King of Scotland, known then by the Gaelic name Alba.
ENGLAND MONARCH: Ælfweard 924 Edward's son, king of Wessex only

Malcolm I
Donald II's son
Reign 943–954
Máel Coluim mac Domnaill (anglicised Malcolm I) (died 954) was King of Scots (before 943 – 954), becoming King when his cousin Causantín mac Áeda abdicated to become a monk. He was the son of Domnall mac Causantín. Máel Coluim was probably born during his father's reign (889–900).
ENGLAND MONARCH: Athelstan 924–939 Edward's son, the first de facto king of all England

Constantine II's son
Reign 954–962
Ildulb mac Causantín, anglicised as Indulf, nicknamed An Ionsaighthigh, "the Aggressor" (died 962) was King of Scots from 954. He was the son of Constantine II (Causantín mac Áeda); his mother may have been a daughter of Earl Eadulf I of Bernicia, who was an exile in Scotland.
Edmund I 939–946 Edward's son
Edred 946–955 Edward's son
Edwy the Fair 955–959 Edmund's son
Edgar the Peaceable 959–975 Edmund's son

Malcolm I's son
Reign 962–966
Dub mac Maíl Coluim (Modern Gaelic: Dubh mac Mhaoil Chaluim), sometimes anglicised as Duff MacMalcolm, called Dén, "the Vehement" and Niger, "the Black" (born c. 928 - died 967) was King of Alba. He was son of Malcolm I (Máel Coluim mac Domnaill) and succeeded to the throne when Indulf (Ildulb mac Causantín) was killed in 962.
ENGLAND MONARCH: Edgar the Peaceable 959–975 Edmund's son

Indulf's son
Reign 966–971
Cuilén (also Culén, Cuilean; died 971) was an early King of Alba (Scotland). He was a son of Illulb mac Custantín, King of Alba, after whom he is known by the patronymic mac Illuilb (also mac Iduilb, mac Ilduilb etc.[note 1]) of Clann Áeda meic Cináeda, a branch of the Alpínid dynasty.
ENGLAND MONARCH: Edgar the Peaceable 959–975 Edmund's son

Kenneth II
Malcolm I's son
Reign 971 - 995
Cináed mac Maíl Coluim (Modern Gaelic: Coinneach mac Mhaoil Chaluim anglicised as Kenneth II, and nicknamed An Fionnghalach, "The Fratricide"; (died 995) was King of Scots (Alba). The son of Malcolm I (Máel Coluim mac Domnaill), he succeeded King Cuilén (Cuilén mac Iduilb) on the latter's death at the hands of Rhydderch ap Dyfnwal in 971.
ENGLAND MONARCH: St Edward the Martyr 975–978 Edgar's son
Constantine III
Cuilén's son
Reign 995–997
Constantine, son of Cuilén (Mediaeval Gaelic: Causantín mac Cuiléin; Modern Gaelic: Còiseam mac Chailein), known in most modern regnal lists as Constantine III, (born c. 970–997) was King of Scots from 995 to 997. He was the son of Cuilén, King of Scotland (Cuilén mac Iduilb).
ENGLAND MONARCH: Ethelred the Unready 978–1013 / 1014–1016 Edgar's son
Ethelred's granddaughter married Maldred. Maldred is the son of Crinan

Kenneth III
Dub's son
Reign 997–1005
Cináed mac Duib (Modern Gaelic: Coinneach mac Dhuibh) anglicised as Kenneth III, and nicknamed An Donn, "the Chief" or "the Brown", (c. 966 – 25 March 1005) was King of Scots from 997 to 1005. He was the son of Dub (Dub mac Maíl Coluim).
ENGLAND MONARCH: Ethelred the Unready 978–1013 / 1014–1016 Edgar's son
Ethelred's granddaughter married Maldred. Maldred is the son of Crinan

Malcolm II
Kenneth II's son
Reign 1005–1034
Malcolm's daughter 'Bethoc' married Crinan. Crinan and Bethoc's children are Maldred and Duncan I.
Malcolm (Gaelic: Máel Coluim; c. 954 - 25 November 1034) was King of the Scots from 1005 until his death. He was a son of King Kenneth II; the Prophecy of Berchán says that his mother was a woman of Leinster and refers to him as Forranach, "the Destroyer".
ENGLAND MONARCH: Ethelred the Unready 978–1013 / 1014–1016 Edgar's son
Ethelred's granddaughter married Maldred. Maldred is the son of Crinan
ENGLAND MONARCH / HOUSE OF DENMARK: Cnut the Great 1016 - 1035

Duncan I
Malcolm II's grandson
Reign 1034–1040
Parents are Bethoc and Crinan. Duncan was murdered by MacBeth.
Donnchad mac Crinain (Modern Gaelic: Donnchadh mac Crìonain; anglicised as Duncan I, and nicknamed An t-Ilgarach, "the Diseased" or "the Sick"; ca. 1001 – 14 August 1040) was King of Scotland (Alba) from 1034 to 1040. He is the historical basis of the "King Duncan" in Shakespeare's play Macbeth. Duncan was murdered by MacBeth in 1040.
ENGLAND MONARCH / HOUSE OF DENMARK: Cnut the Great 1016 - 1035

Reign 1040–1057
Macbeth (nicknamed Rí Deircc, "the Red King";[1] c. 1005 – 15 August 1057) was King of Scots from 1040 until his death. He was titled King of Alba during his life, and ruled only over a portion of present-day Scotland. Married to 'Docoa' daughter of Malcolm II. He murdered Duncan I in 1040.
ENGLAND MONARCH / HOUSE OF DENMARK: Harthacnut 1040 - 1042