![dna WilliamT[1].(Will)DunbarSr.1919 2 D-39](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/40f05b_ae6baf093188452da08fe105e1163281~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_495,h_748,al_c,q_85,enc_avif,quality_auto/40f05b_ae6baf093188452da08fe105e1163281~mv2.jpg)

![dna WilliamT[1].(Will)DunbarSr.1919 2 D-39](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/40f05b_ae6baf093188452da08fe105e1163281~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_495,h_748,al_c,q_85,enc_avif,quality_auto/40f05b_ae6baf093188452da08fe105e1163281~mv2.jpg)

Dunbar Surname DNA Project
EST. 2006
mtDNA Results
To Find Your mtDNA Results
Find your results by looking for your Kit Number. Scroll all the way down using the right scroll bar.
Results are grouped by Haplogroup--each haplogroup has been assigned a color by the Dunbar DNA Project.
mtDNA – Results Page Explained
The mtDNA – Results page shows the actual results of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) tests that you have taken. These are the sections.
Haplogroup – This is your mtDNA haplogroup. Haplogroups are our place on the maternal tree tracing all people alive today back to a common maternal ancestor in Africa. Knowing your haplogroup allows us to identify your direct maternal origin.
If you have mtDNA full sequence results, it is determined using them. Otherwise, it is determined with a Backbone Haplogroup test. -
Your Origin – This gives an overview of the history and the geography of your haplogroup. The distributions of mtDNA haplogroups and their branches follow historic population movements. Therefore, the locations and distribution of haplogroups today can help us understand the history of our ancestor. Some haplogroups are specific to Africa, Europe, Asia, the islands of the Pacific, the Americas, and even particular ethnic groups. Of course, haplogroups from one region are sometimes found in another due to unique population movements.
Your Results – This shows your test results compared to the Reconstructed Sapiens Reference Sequence (RSRS).
Extra Mutations and Missing Mutations (mtDNA Full Sequence Only) – This shows your differences from the modal values of your haplogroup. Extra Mutations are those that you have but are not part of the modal haplotype for your assigned haplogroup. Missing mutations are those mutations that are expected for your assigned haplogroup but that you do not have. Some mutations in each area may be common faster mutating ones such as the 309.1C insertion. Others may be either significant mutations that have not yet been defined on the tree or personal mutations specific to you or your recent genealogical lineage.
RSRS Values – This section shows your differences from the Reconstructed Sapiens Reference Sequence (RSRS). The RSRS is based on the deepest common maternal ancestor to all people alive today as well as several ancient humanoids. A comparison of your sequence to this reference reveals clearly the path between you and our shared maternal ancestor.
FASTA File – The FASTA button allows you to download your results in the FASTA file format. This is a format commonly used by population geneticists.
Additional Tabs – These tabs show more advanced options for understanding your mtDNA Results.
rCRS Values – This section shows your differences from the historic revised Cambridge Reference Sequence (rCRS). The rCRS is based on the first complete mtDNA sequence completed. The information in this section is for historic reference only.
mtDNA Community – This section allows you to donate your results for scientific research. Please read the Your Scientific Collaboration: mtDNA Community page carefully before participating
Both Males and Females can take this test
Females carry a specific DNA material that is useful in genealogy called the mitochondria, or mtDNA. This is the material that surrounds the chromosomes.
The mtDNA is passed from a mother to her children, essentially unchanged. Both males and females inherit mtDNA from their mother, but only females can pass it on. (If there were no changes, each person would have exactly the same mtDNA as "Eve" and with each other.)
This test is only useful in testing the participant's mother's mother's .... mother's line.
As this line changes names every generation, it is relatively difficult to track more than a few generations through genealogy.
All people who share the same "common ancestor" will carry essentially the same mtDNA and receive tests results that are also essentially the same.