![dna WilliamT[1].(Will)DunbarSr.1919 2 D-39](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/40f05b_ae6baf093188452da08fe105e1163281~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_495,h_748,al_c,q_85,enc_avif,quality_auto/40f05b_ae6baf093188452da08fe105e1163281~mv2.jpg)

![dna WilliamT[1].(Will)DunbarSr.1919 2 D-39](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/40f05b_ae6baf093188452da08fe105e1163281~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_495,h_748,al_c,q_85,enc_avif,quality_auto/40f05b_ae6baf093188452da08fe105e1163281~mv2.jpg)

Dunbar Surname DNA Project
EST. 2006
Fund Status: $$$$$s are available
New Sponsorship Awards and Requirements
(Effective November 15, 2009)
The General Dunbar Sponsorship Fund provides partial payment of the cost of the DNA test to assist Newcomers to our project. The Fund is only available to Initial kit orders and can be applied to upgrades at the descretion of the Administrators.
The Sponsorships listed below are available with the purchase of a Y37, Y67, or Y111 Y-DNA marker Test Kit.
Not positive if you would qualify? Please be sure to ask.
Y-DNA37 or 67 Marker Kit is required for the following Sponsorships:
1. $30.00usd - Any male Dunbar. Guaranteed to all who meet the Requirements below.
**** If your line goes back as far as the 1700's, it is highly recommended you purchase
a YDNA67 marker kit to make your Results beneficial to you and the other Project
Y-DNA67 or 111 Marker Kit is required for the following Sponsorships:
1. $50.00usd - Any male Dunbar with documented lineage back to the 1700's not already
represented in the Project.
2. $75.00usd - Any male Dunbar with a documented lineage back to the 1600's not already represented in the Project.
3. $100.00usd - Any male Dunbar with a documented lineage back to the 1500's not already represented in thethe Project.
Requirements for receiving Sponsorship
1. A detailed pedigree, (paternal Dunbar lineage only) going back to your earliest documented Dunbar ancestor and copied into the Request to Join link below.
An example of the format needed:
(Male Dunbar Name, his DOB and POB, Spouse, DOD and POD of male Dunbar.)
GEN 1. Samuel Dunbar, m. Catherine (Forst) Medary, d. c1785 Bucks Co, PA
GEN 2. Samuel Dunbar, b. 1784, Bucks Co PA; m. Sarah Meinell, d. 1844 New York City, NY
GEN 3. Charles D. Dunbar, b. 1817, NYC, NY: m. Anna Marie Rainey, d. 1870 Lancaster, OH
GEN 4. John R. Dunbar, b. 1862 Lancaster, OH, m. Minnie Jaycox, d. 1929, Columbus, OH
GEN 5. Deem Dunbar, b. 1902 Columbus, OH
2. Fill in Request To Join form. Be sure to include your Dunbar pedigree in form:
3. Included with the Test Kit will be a form to join the FTDNA Matching Program. The Matching Program will notify you, via email, whenever anyone else in the FTDNA database matches your DNA. The Matching Program is a vital part of the Project and the main reason a personjoins he Project. All our Participants belong to this Program. This form must be signed and returned with the kit.
4. Completed DNA Test kit must be returned to FTDNA within 30 days of receipt and Paid in Full.
When all 4 Requirements are met – a refund, for the approved Sponsorship amount, will be issued directly to you. (For those outside the U.S., special ordering Instructions are needed to apply the Sponsorship funds to your purchase.)
Targeted families to receive a minimum $100.00usd Sponsorship
(67 Marker Kit required)
A documented Direct male descendant of Gospatric of Dunbar
If you are interested in pursuing a Sponsorship from the Dunbar DNA Sponsorship Fund, please contact the
Dunbar DNA Project:
Debra Dunbar Nowell, DunbarDNA AT gmail.com
Our project has set up a Contribution Fund with FamilyTree DNA. Your donations are welcome.
Benefits of your contribution
The more men tested; the better our project will succeed in discovering those missing links between our ancestors thus your contribution will encourage more participation.
How to Target your contribution:
Donors may request their contribution target a specific Dunbar Lineage.
Example: $50.00usd any male Dunbar with proven ancestry from Orkney, Scotland
Example: 50% off Y-DNA37 marker kit for a person with documented ancestry to
Samuel and Catherine Dunbar 1785 Bucks County, PA, USA
Or send to:
Attn: Dunbar General Fund
Family Tree DNA - Genealogy by Genetics, Ltd.
World Headquarters
1445 North Loop West, Suite 820 Houston, Texas 77008, USA
Phone: (713) 868-1438 | Fax: (832) 201-7147
Make checks payable to: FamilyTree DNA
Be sure to note that you want the donation to go toward the Dunbar Surname Project.