![dna WilliamT[1].(Will)DunbarSr.1919 2 D-39](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/40f05b_ae6baf093188452da08fe105e1163281~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_495,h_748,al_c,q_85,enc_avif,quality_auto/40f05b_ae6baf093188452da08fe105e1163281~mv2.jpg)

![dna WilliamT[1].(Will)DunbarSr.1919 2 D-39](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/40f05b_ae6baf093188452da08fe105e1163281~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_495,h_748,al_c,q_85,enc_avif,quality_auto/40f05b_ae6baf093188452da08fe105e1163281~mv2.jpg)

Dunbar Surname DNA Project
EST. 2006
Understanding Your Y-DNA Results
The Project's Results Page
The page of the project's website where your yDNA results are shown with all the others results for members of the project.
Results are grouped according to haplogroups and lineages.
When your results are ready, your Project Administrator will post your yDNA results on the project's y-Results Page.
You will receive an email from the Project Administrator informing you which area in the Results page your results have been posted.
Go to the project's Y-Results Page.
You can click the link to the results page in the email you received about new results posted.
If you are unable to click on the link, you can copy and paste the url into your computer's browser.
If you don't have a link, you can find the project's y-Results page by going to DunbarDNA.org and hover over the DNA Project tab in the menu bar
Contacting your matches
Check the Patriarchs Page to see if your match has posted a pedigree.
His Dunbar Project Number (D-000) will appear in red at the beginning of his pedigree.
Ask your Project Administrator if the others in your Lineage already appear on your "Matches" page at FTDNA.
Ask your Project Administrator to forward an email to your matches in the Lineage.
Results Page Layout Explained
ID number (#) assigned by the Dunbar DNA Prroject (D-000) is the code identity for members of the project.
Earliest Known Ancestor (EKA)--the male who is the farthest back in the paternal line of the participant - as traced through a paper trail.
If the project member provided this information through their Personal Page at FTDNA, it will be included in the results.
If not provided, we substitute the last name of the participant.
The Project Administrator can look to see if the project member has provided a pedigree to get this information, and if not, will want to email the person to ask him to provide this information.
Big Y, FF, & Tested STR's columns: These are additional tests the members have taken and/or the number/levelf markers the member has tested.
Haplo: short for Haplogroup This name is used for the branches of the "Family Tree of Man" based on analysis of yDNA.
Green, Red, Black Haplogroup Names tell how the Haplogroup was reported for each member:
Red means FTDNA has estimated the Haplogroup, based on matching the yDNA profile to men who have been formally SNP tested
Green is used when the project member has been SNP tested to determine his Haplogroup or Clade.
Black is sometimes used for estimates created in any other way
Marker Panels : the vertical numbers and letters in the header across the top of the Results Table show the DYS ("address")names for a l;ocation on the yDNA strand.
- DYS Value in the Results Table
Under each DYS name in the header, a number is shown which tells the number of times that pattern repeated at that marker on that kit's test results.
These numbers are then compared within the Haplogroup to find those that match at 23/25, 33/37/, 61/67 or better. These are grouped into a lineage.
Mutation Colors - We use color-coding to mark the mutations from the Haplogroup Profile. Markers that match the Haplogroup Profile are shown in the Haplogroup Profile color, while the mutations are marked using our color-coding:
Using this coding for mutations, a number that is 5 less than the Haplogroup Profile number at that marker would be colored yellow, 4 less would be orange, 3 less would be hot pink, and so on.
When men are grouped together in a lineage, we can estimate the yDNA profile for their common ancestor by deducing what his profile had to be in order for his descendants to have their specific results.
Generally an exact copy of the yDNA is passed from father to son, but occasionally, and at random, a slight difference may occur, called a mutation. (Typically this mutation will show as a difference of one count, but there are special cases where it can be greater than one.)
Where the mutation is matching a mutation from another result within the Lineage, the match likely indicates a more recent shared common ancestor (or a "branch" within the Lineage) as the two men probably both inherited the mutation from a recent common ancestor.