![dna WilliamT[1].(Will)DunbarSr.1919 2 D-39](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/40f05b_ae6baf093188452da08fe105e1163281~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_495,h_748,al_c,q_85,enc_avif,quality_auto/40f05b_ae6baf093188452da08fe105e1163281~mv2.jpg)

![dna WilliamT[1].(Will)DunbarSr.1919 2 D-39](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/40f05b_ae6baf093188452da08fe105e1163281~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_495,h_748,al_c,q_85,enc_avif,quality_auto/40f05b_ae6baf093188452da08fe105e1163281~mv2.jpg)

Dunbar Surname DNA Project
EST. 2006

(Choose "Read Only" to open)
While we did post the results page on our previous website you could not work with the data.
The YDNA results are provided in Excel format in the attached file.
It is only 300 kb so will be easy for you to download.
We hope to improve the results file over time to separate out the various lineages.
Our new website gives us greater flexibility to do so but we are learning as we go.
To Find Your Results
Find your results by looking for your Dunbar Project Number (D-000). Scroll all the way down using the right scroll bar.
Groupings on the Results Page
Results are grouped first by Haplogroup--each haplogroup has been assigned a color by the Dunbar Project.
Results are grouped within the Haplogroup into 3 categories (Look for the heading above the group in which your results are posted. All the men listed under that heading fit that category):
Lineage --Men who match at 23/25, 33/37, 62/67 or 100/111 (or better) share a common ancestor and are grouped into a Lineage, and the Lineages are numbered within each haplogroup.
Possible Lineage--Men who match the LIneage closely enough at 12 markers are "Possible Lineage' members, as 12 markers is considered too few to confirm a common ancestor. Men with more than 12 markers, who are just outside the range of what we consider a match may be included here, as it is possible they would match the lineage if they upgraded to more markers.
No Lineage Assigned--Members of the project whose results do not match anyone else in the project as yet are grouped together with other project members who share the same haplogroup and also have no matches.
Descend from Dunbar Daughters or Affiliated
Explanation of Mutation Colors - We use color-coding to mark the mutations from the Haplogroup Profile. Markers that match the Haplogroup Profile are shown in the Haplogroup Profile color, while the mutations are marked using our color-coding:
Using this coding for mutations, a number that is 5 less than the Haplogroup Profile number at that marker would be colored yellow, 4 less would be orange, 3 less would be hot pink, and so on.
The Haplogroup Profile is NOT the same thing as the Apparent Ancestral Haplotype for a Lineage.
Results are grouped first by Haplogroup
The "Haplo" column gives the Haplogroup designation for each member.
Haplogroup Letter Colors tell how the Haplogroup was reported for each member:
Red means FTDNA has estimated the Haplogroup
Green is used when the project member has been SNP tested to determine his Haplogroup.
Black is sometimes used for estimates created in any other way.
Haplogroup Profile: On the same line as "No Lineage Assigned" is the row of markers representing the apparent common marker value for the majority of men who have that haplogroup. The Haplogroup Profile is used by WFN for comparison and colorizing results within that haplogroup.
Within each haplogroup, men are compared against the Haplogroup Profile, using a color code to show markers that do not match the Haplogroup Profile (also called mutations). Markers that match the Haplogroup Profile are shown in the Haplogroup Profile color, while the mutations are marked using our color coding.

(paraphrased from the FTDNA site)
See more information on DNA 101
Male Only - Traces the Direct Paternal Line
As this test traces the paternal line with no influence from mothers, instead of an ethnic breakdown, it provides an ancestral migration route of the genetic population of your paternal line. Each specific genetic population is referred to as a haplogroup and can provide deep anthropological information about your story by refining your genealogical search.
In addition to providing this deep ancestral migratory route, a Y-DNA test also provides a list of people in the FTDNA database who share with you a common direct paternal (your father, father’s father, father’s father’s father, etc.) ancestor within the past 25 generations. If a person relates to you through a father’s father’s mother’s line, Y-DNA will not connect you to them. As surnames are traditionally passed down the direct paternal line, Y-DNA testing is particularly useful in our surname study to see how all living people are genetically related.
There are different levels of Y-DNA matches available. Picture Y-DNA as a puzzle with 111 pieces to it. Whatever level of Y-DNA you have, it compares that number of puzzle pieces, or markers, to another person’s to see how many markers you have in common. The number of markers you do not match with another person is called a genetic distance. Generally speaking, the higher the genetic distance, the more distantly related that person is to you.
The more markers you test for, the more complete a picture of the puzzle you look at, and the more accurate the genetic distance is. In addition, higher level testing helps refine your matches to those most closely related to you.
Whatever level of test you get, you can always upgrade to a higher level.